Image of the Week

The Milky Way, The Great Jaguar and Me

experience astronomy through a set of activities and dig deeply into science

Meet the masterful activities of Pinceladas Nocturnas and alliances to make you experience cultural astronomy at another level.

Asteroid B6212 Antigua Guatemala Antigua Estelar 2018


Pinceladas Nocturnas master class, advises and instructs on methods and processes to develop activities for the purpose of conservation and scientific outreach, developing skills for astronomical photography, development of educational and tourism programs oriented to astronomy and dark sky conservation. 

Unique space art works

Fall in love with the stars, learning histories that unfold in the skies. 

El Camino Eterno

A life time trip by an astrophotographer in the optical astronomical observatories of Argentina.

Noche de Luna Llena

Anillo de Fuego

Volcanic Arch, Guatemala, Central America, Planet Earth

La Antigua Guatemala Suspendida en el Tiempo

Mysticism goes beyond in the city at night

Super Luna Roja 2015

The Super Red Moon Eclipse Project

El Cielo Austral

A spit in the form of millions of stars and intergalactic dust

“I am a living witness of the stars disappearing,”- Sergio Montúfar

"How lucky we are to evolved consciousness and
understand where we are and what surround us"